Bugs and Beefs

Your place to report bugs and complain in general

This is an open blog, owned by Carl Milsted, Jr.


What's Wrong, February 2023 Edition
by Carl Milsted, Jr on Feb 1, 2023 , 15 comments.
What's New, Early March 2023 Edition
by Carl Milsted, Jr on Mar 1, 2023 , 0 comments.
Steve's March Nitnoid Blog
by Stephen J. Douglass on Mar 6, 2023 , 3 comments.
Steve's March Nitnoid Blog
by Stephen J. Douglass on Mar 7, 2023 , 0 comments.
What's New, Late April 2023
by Carl Milsted, Jr on Apr 24, 2023 , 0 comments.
What's New, Late May 2023
by Carl Milsted, Jr on May 19, 2023 , 0 comments.
Typewriter Mode
by Carl Milsted, Jr on Jul 28, 2023 , 0 comments.
Editing in a Separate Window
by Carl Milsted, Jr on Jul 30, 2023 , 1 comments.
Email Notifications
by Carl Milsted, Jr on Sep 10, 2023 , 0 comments.
An Obsolete User Interface
by Carl Milsted, Jr on Sep 18, 2023 , 7 comments.
Known Bug: Cache Not Refreshing
by Carl Milsted, Jr on Sep 27, 2023 , 3 comments.
New Feature: Video!
by Carl Milsted, Jr on Oct 2, 2023 , 11 comments.
Latest Fixes October 9
by Carl Milsted, Jr on Oct 9, 2023 , 12 comments.
Unsaved Data Fix
by Carl Milsted, Jr on Oct 15, 2023 , 2 comments.
QTML Reference Popover
by Carl Milsted, Jr on Oct 15, 2023 , 1 comments.
Find Pictures
by Carl Milsted, Jr on Oct 16, 2023 , 1 comments.
Posts for Only Me
by Carl Milsted, Jr on Oct 17, 2023 , 2 comments.
Abandoning Comments and Messages
by Carl Milsted, Jr on Oct 23, 2023 , 3 comments.
Phone and Printer Friendly
by Carl Milsted, Jr on Nov 6, 2023 , 2 comments.
Picture Upgrades
by Carl Milsted, Jr on Nov 12, 2023 , 6 comments.
Equation Bugs Fixed
by Carl Milsted, Jr on Dec 7, 2023 , 0 comments.
Unicode Madness
by Carl Milsted, Jr on Dec 10, 2023 , 6 comments.
More Equation Symbols!
by Carl Milsted, Jr on Dec 17, 2023 , 2 comments.
More Equation Fonts
by Carl Milsted, Jr on Dec 18, 2023 , 0 comments.
Annotating Personal Posts
by Carl Milsted, Jr on Jan 7, 2024 , 1 comments.
New Help System Rolling Out
by Carl Milsted, Jr on Jan 8, 2024 , 0 comments.
Weird Character Issue
by Carl Milsted, Jr on Feb 3, 2024 , 0 comments.
New Home Page
by Carl Milsted, Jr on Feb 7, 2024 , 2 comments.
Incredible Shrinking Headers
by Carl Milsted, Jr on Feb 23, 2024 , 0 comments.
by Carl Milsted, Jr on Mar 6, 2024 , 2 comments.
A Wee Bit of Mental Junk Food
by Carl Milsted, Jr on Mar 10, 2024 , 6 comments.
SEO Feature: Post URL Slugs!
by Carl Milsted, Jr on Mar 14, 2024 , 2 comments.
Using Featured Images More
by Carl Milsted, Jr on Mar 19, 2024 , 1 comments.
Help Videos!
by Carl Milsted, Jr on Mar 26, 2024 , 2 comments.
Playing with Button Styles
by Carl Milsted, Jr on May 3, 2024 , 2 comments.

(Picture below can be dragged if need be.)