, OR
Neoteric Wood Art - "Turning Thought Into Form" Aesthetically pleasing projects for the Art community.
Delivering quality workmanship and customer service to our clients in the Greater Wilmington NC area.
Retired from Pasco County Schools
Elderly Christian southern at heart lady, happily married, and a mother.
, NC
Robert Hartford, PhD, is a retired physicist who advocates a life of reason, Love of Self, and respect for others' Love of Self.
Literature Enthusiast Magniloquent 😉
Older I get, the less I like people.....
Real conversation, solutions based on truth and evidence, results matter.
, DE
Liberty-loving woman who enjoys sparring with the synchophants of tyranny
, CA
Hello Rebel Heretics.
I have a lot of hobbies and interests. Reading is one of them. That's why I'm here, to read what's going on. :)
, NC
Ran a food order. Had a mini farm. Love organic produce and healthy cooking.
KDR is an economist & technologist from Virginia. Sic Semper Tyrannis.
I like bugs. I am from the east coast of the United States.
seeker/seeder of truth, musician, audio engineer & game designer 8-)
Facebook refugee, now preparing to leave MeWe.
, NC
Alter-egotistical entity that shows up on Twitter and lives at a salvage yard - hoping to provide electric content again soon.
, NC
Agripreneur, writer, tech enthusiast.
Proud dad of Ian and Garrett.
Owner of Turner Family Farms.
CEO of Conntects, LLC
, UK
provider of transcendental illumination and adumbrating of that which is proposed to be viridical
, UK
Administrator of Literary Justice
FOCAS ... friend of Carl and Steve, neither of whom are modots
, NC
The guy who coded up this social network.
If you are looking for those weird "members" found in the Tour, click