Carl Milsted, Jr

Location: somewhere in NC

The guy who coded up this social network.

Current Post

Defaults for Channels?

Sep 6 19:00:16

At the moment, the channels in your outgoing privacy filter are just labeled Channels 1-11 by default. Maybe new members should start off with some example defaults which they can change. With some reasonable defaults they should get the idea. With a few unreasonable defaults thrown in they might be inspired to customize.

So, without further ado, here is a candidate list:

  1. Family
  2. High School Friends
  3. College Friends
  4. Church
  5. Coworkers
  6. Fans
  7. Frenemies
  8. The Illuminati
  9. Selfies
  10. Food pics
  11. Cat photos
  12. Sports
  13. Scholarly posts
  14. Political Rants
  15. Secrets Man was not meant to know

Note that this list is more than eleven. This list can be trimmed, or I can increase the maximum number of channels -- as long as I don't run out of bits. This means a hard limit of 62, since I'm using signed 64 bit integers, and one of those bits is for whether a post should be public. I'd like to reserve a few bits other purposes just in case, but that still leaves plenty of headroom.

I originally went with eleven as a Spinal Tap reference. 23 is another good reference number...

Please place your suggestions in the comments for additions or deletions to this list, as well as comment on the order if you see fit.


Stephen J. Douglass on Sep 9, 2022 8:33 PM

Start with 11. Frankly, I think that's too many choices and maybe too muchcomplexity, but I like the Spinal Tap reference even if Rob Reiner is a left-wing nutjob with TDS. BTW, I'd find a way to make that reference obvious. Your writing has a very specific (to you) type of humor that I've always thought made it very readable/enjoyable. Including it on the site is a really good idea. Gives it the personality of its creator.

I think my channel names will end up being something like a trust scale - at least for the top few.



Chris Price on Sep 15, 2022 10:15 PM

Are you thinking of hard labeling the channels, or allowing users to label them for themselves? I didn't see Nuclear Secrets. Or as GW Bush would say, Nucular.


Carl Milsted, Jr on Sep 16, 2022 12:18 AM
in response to comment_11_2

I'm contemplating defaults which users can change.


Carl Milsted, Jr on Nov 26, 2022 7:57 PM

How about

  1. Family
  2. School Friends
  3. College Friends
  4. Coworkers
  5. Church
  6. Cat Photos
  7. Selfies
  8. Political Rants
  9. Scholarly Articles
  10. Fans
  11. Secrets Man Was Not Meant to Know


Chris Price on Mar 4, 2023 9:21 PM
in response to comment_11_4

These are all good ideas for default names. Go ahead and leave this feature user configurable. It adds to the uniqueness of the platform.


Carl Milsted, Jr on Mar 4, 2023 9:24 PM
in response to comment_11_5

Definitely want it user-configurable! The only question is whether there should be defaults to give people some ideas.

Upon reflection, I think the default values should be less than the full eleven in order to make it clear that users are expected to do some configuratin. So which of the eleven to keep?


Scythrop Glowry on Mar 5, 2023 8:15 AM
in response to comment_11_4


  1. Family
  2. College Friends
  3. Coworkers
  4. Church
  5. Cat Photos
  6. Political Rants
  7. Scholarly Articles
  8. Secrets Man Was Not Meant to Know
  9. 9
  10. 10
  11. 11


Chris Price on May 1, 2023 4:20 PM

BTW, which of the initial 15 were unreasonable?


Chris Price on May 1, 2023 4:25 PM

IRT to your personal favorite pop culture references, a glossary of the more cryptic/obscure might be a fun thing. And definitely make the number of channels a prime number.


Carl Milsted, Jr on May 1, 2023 5:34 PM
in response to comment_11_9

Much depends on whether Fnora or Conntects gets the traction. If Conntects, I need to make things a bit more square and safe. If Fnora, whimsy continues.

No Secrets Man Was Not Meant to know for Conntects...


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