Carl Milsted, Jr

Location: somewhere in NC

The guy who coded up this social network.

Current Post

Which Features Wanted Most?

Sep 8 12:08:39

Here is what I have on my todo list:

  • Place Next buttons in a better place
  • Ability to mark old posts as read vs. having to see them all
  • Ability to edit/remove existing posts/comments
  • Default values for outgoing channels
  • Pages for followers, subscriptions
  • Number of posts in member profiles
  • Ability to make tables without headings
  • More Help pages/complete the Tour
  • Ability to have aliases work across equations
  • Easy access to QTML reference in the post, comments, and private messages editors.
  • Easy access to finding already uploaded pics in same
  • Ability to report naughty posts/comments/messages
  • Billing system
  • General message to all users system.
  • Assorted administration features.

Which of these features do you most want to see next? Which do you thing are unimportant? What have I missed?

Please comment below.

Update (12/15/2022): You can now edit existing posts.


Stephen J. Douglass on Sep 9, 2022 10:41 PM

This may or may not make sense but what do you think of providing a shortcut (ctrl+alt+q) to launch the qtml editor in its own separate browser window so you can drag it around on multi-screen/large screen setups?

More tomorrow on your questions above. I'm going to set aside the day tomorrow for all-out Fnora to catch up a bit.

I do need to get together with you and watch your vision for using it.


Carl Milsted, Jr on Sep 9, 2022 10:50 PM
in response to comment_13_1

Some buttons with the square over square symbol to indicate launching a new window might be in order.

But most browsers launch a tab. Evil spam sites made problematic giving webmasters the unbridled ability to launch new windows.


Stephen J. Douglass on Sep 11, 2022 2:26 PM
in response to comment_13_2

How about a super secret QTML keyboard shortcut?

Also, might be kinda interesting to have this editor as a standalone sub-app (kinda) so people can work on docs and then just cut and paste, or maybe even save as a qtml doc. Just a thought. I know I'm probably complicating things.


Carl Milsted, Jr on Sep 11, 2022 2:49 PM
in response to comment_13_3

A future QTML based word processor might not be a bad idea. Key word is future

A standalone application could be more WYSIWYG than a web app. (Actually a web app could be WYSIWYG as well with LOTS of coding.)

Given the dependence on eqn, this app would probably need to be open source.

And then the feature bloat would cut in...


Scythrop Glowry on Feb 15, 2023 9:01 PM

It might be useful to take off items that have already been done (and maybe add a few new you have thought of).


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