Social media is the mind killer...unless the social media site is Conntects!
Typical social media sites scramble posts into an infinite page designed for doom scrolling. This scrambling creates continuous context shifts. Conventional social media is like an endless nightmare party that combines:
All these context shifts can fry your brain. The problem is so bad that Oxford University Press named "brain rot" as Oxford Word of the Year for 2024.
Conntects is different. Conntects eliminates the infinite doom scroll feed and replaces it with with a control panel where you see which of your friends and other contacts have new posts and how many. Furthermore, Conntects allows you to group your contacts so you can stay in the same context when reading posts. For example, you can make categories such as family, high school friends, chess players, surfers, political frenemies, church members, business contacts, or whatever. You decide.
Choose which virtual party you want to attend -- and have brain power left over for the real world.
Many social media sites are ad supported; the more ads you see, the more money they make. This means it pays them to be addictive. The more of your time they waste, the more money they make.
Conntects is an ad free platform. Once fully set up, it will be funded on a subscription model. This makes you the customer -- not advertisers, marketers, or the secret police.
With such a model it pays us to make you satisfied, not addicted. We want you happy, but not spending an excessive amount of time on the site. Think of Conntects as a good restaurant, vs. a gambling casino. So no clickbait "Suggested for You" nonsense. You see what you look for and what you subscribe to.
For every person, blog, and group you subscribe to, Conntects maintains a cursor. There is no Fear of Missing Out (FOMO). You miss nothing unless you decide to move the cursor yourself.
You don't have to doom scroll in order to see posts from friends who rarely post.
Conntects is about connections, not clickbait.
Conntects is a premium service. Affordable, a fantastic value even, but not free [for much longer]. As such, we need to provide features not found in the competition. And we do.
Conntects allows you to post screen sized pictures and then some. If you have ever been annoyed by unreadable infographics on other social media sites, be happy! Click on a picture in a Conntects post and you get to see it full sized. If it's bigger than your browser, you can pan around.
And when you are posting an image, Conntects provides a drag and drop interface, followed by a rather nifty image editor. You can crop, rotate, and adjust color balance, contrast and brightness right in your browser. Indeed, you can try out our in browser photo editor on our interactive QTML tutorial page.
QTML? It's the Quick Type Markup Language. Conntects allows you to style your posts and comments without taking your hands off the keyboard. Yes, there is a wee bit of learning curve, but in return you can add headings, italics, bold highlighting, scary red text, lists, tables, and even equations to your posts. And you get to choose your link text for your links, and where your pictures go in your posts. See examples.
And comments! You can style comments in Conntects as well.
Do you want to share cute pictures with family members? Do you want to proclaim your ideas to the entire nation? Do you want to have a private online club? Use Conntects!
Conntects supports both blogs and groups. They can be public, private, or even secret. You decide.
While Conntects is not as customizable as Wordpress, it is easy to set up and has a superior commenting system. Moreover, as a paid service, it is easy to block spammers. And since we can dial down the power of spammers, Conntects offers a fresh tag space, recreating the good old days of the high trust blogosphere, complete with its Technorati tags. Be found on Conntects.
As for groups, our commenting system gives comments the first class treatment. So a Conntects group has most of the power of an old school forum, but you don't have to install forum software. And you get all the identity checking that comes with a paid platform.
You are the customer at Conntects. We won't sell your data to marketers or secret policemen. They are not the customer.
And we won't use your posts and comments to train an artificial intelligence. That's both a violation of copyright and too much work.
Our goal is to make a platform that you control and then use your subscription fees to go surfing, develop redneck friendly eco-technology, fund truly organic food, raise sharks with lasers, and keep the system running responsively. We aren't into evil robots – except for making silly pictures.
Anyway, for every personal post, you get to decide who sees your post. Do you want the world to see it or just your contacts? If the latter, which contacts? We give you a clever system to make posts just to family members, or just to college friends, or whatever. And yes, you can make posts just to yourself. This is useful for making notes to self and saving links.
While Conntects is in alpha test mode, it is free. (Yes, you must pretend to pay, but just in play money.)
Early adopters get to shape the direction of Conntects. Comment on the Bugs and Beefs blog and tells us what features you want. Be a voice that is heard before we go big.
Finally, once we get a payment system in place, our plan is to have an affiliate program for early adopters. Get paid to bring your friends, family, and fans.
Once we get big enough that it's worth joining to join the In Crowd, the affiliate program will be closed to new members. Get in early if you want to be part of the In Crowd.