Carl Milsted, Jr

Location: somewhere in NC

The guy who coded up this social network.

Current Post

A Glorious Morning

Sep 8 09:24:46

As in morning glories.

(Click on any of these pictures to zoom. Conntects supports BIG pictures.)

Here's the fun bit: my camera sees a blue morning glory. In reality, the flower above is a very deep purple. I suspect that the flower above is a true purple; that is, reflecting light at the top of the visible spectrum, vs. reflecting a mixture of red and blue light. My camera just has the blue sensors activated by such light.

I wonder if this is a general problem with most cameras?

Anyway, some more pics:

(The camera did a better job of matching this one's color.)

Tags: flowers


Stephen J. Douglass on Sep 17, 2023 4:04 PM

How many people know Morning Glories and Sweet Potatoes are close relatives? Both are in the Convolvulacae family. In fact, sweet potatoes are pretty much the only edible crop in that family and so fit a unique place in the farmer's crop rotation.


Carl Milsted, Jr on Sep 17, 2023 4:19 PM
in response to comment_68_1

Not me!


Stephen J. Douglass on Sep 19, 2023 9:42 PM
in response to comment_68_2

They are eggcellent water scavengers, too. If you water-in the slips at planting, they are pretty much set-and-forget. If you're really lucky and you get them in right before a late afternoon rain, you can even skip the watering.


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