Location: an underground lair in an undisclosed location
Just a quick post to highlight some Conntects functionality and to help navigate the site. I created this account for quick access, but Carl and I would love to have you create your own account when you have time. There is no cost and it only takes a couple minutes at most.
I've also pre-subscribed this account to the founders' home pages and to the private Development Plan Group
While there is a WYSIWYG editor on our future roadmap, Coder/Founder Carl has devised a simpler, easier to type, yet very powerful HTML analog: the Quick Text Markup Language. We like to think of it as learning to drive a manual before getting that fancy automatic. Links to the QTML Tutorial and reference pages are always available on the header at the top of every page. Keep in mind that you can use as much or as little of it as you want to.
That said, there are a couple of indispensable QTML tags to learn early on: the ".pic" tag, and the ".link" tag. One of the easiest ways to learn QTML is to click on the "View QTML" button on any post to see how it's done.