“Studying Resurrection”

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Studying Resurrection - IS Exciting!

Jul 9 20:46:10

How About Starting with a List of Knowns and Unknowns

Knowns - Absolute Truths -According The Knowledgeable, The Wise, The Bible

1. Jesus Christ, is the Son of God, also called "the Resurrection." 2. Jesus Christ raised His friend Lazarus from the dead after 4 days. 3. Resurrection happened in Old Testament times. 4. Jesus Christ claimed to be the Resurrection and the Life. 5. Jesus Christ died on a cross, and God the Father raised Him up again. 6. Lazarus was counted among the sinners, and Christ still resurrected him. 7. Christ claimed to resurrect Lazarus by the Power of God, His Father. 8. God the Father resurrected many of the already dead people at a certain time, when Christ had died on the cross. 9. Jesus Christ told us we could lay our lives down, and be allowed to pick them up again, by His Power... After He has been resurrected. 10. After Jesus Christ was resurrected He could walk through walls. 11. Also, following Christ resurrection His friend and disciple Thomas asked if He could touch Him, and He was allowed to, and by Faith given to Him, Thomas could feel Christ's body. 12. Also, there was no mention of Christ still bleeding after resurrection... We are given to understand that Christ was healed, His wounds spots were astounding and astonishing... because He was made whole, complete, healed.


Studying Resurrection on Jul 9, 2023 9:00 PM

Number 9. needs clarifying.... We could lay our life down for a friend, or someone we loved as a friend... I will note because we are to love our enemies... Christ told us... as far as picking it back up again... That is Relying on God... and a part of eternal life.

Number 12. Needs clarifying in that those resurrected can still bleed, but their wounds won't necessarily always be fresh/newly happened.

This was written for an intended audience, public, meaning all people around, yes, but clearly for a refreshing to believers... a renewal of knowledge.... with the understanding that believers are not always in a state of being Active Believers. Sometimes, they are UnActive Believers due to life situations, callings, or purposes of God's intent. Because the Fullness of God is not always displayed Wholeheartedly... or in other words, by the majority of people. Largely, because the Power is extreme.... and humanly we are... we tremble at it... to put it mildly.


Studying Resurrection on Jul 9, 2023 9:22 PM

God is kind to His children... not condemning us, in our human state, for what we know and don't know... understanding our human weakness to forget things or to remember the wrong things... we are advised according to these weaknesses in our human state... we are advised to Remember how Great God is... that His days are in time wise much greater than a human beings. To Remember we have an adversary seeking to devour us. To Remember the seventh day Sabbath to Keep it Holy in being Time spent in rest and with God. We are advised by a way of handling our own resurrection... "to forget the former things" and that "God will make all things new" ... this is because Some of us must forget being tortured, killed, seriously injured, tragically dying, and many things beyond words to say... With Love, our Heavenly Father God, entreats us to "forget the former things" and that "He will make all things new" ... so that we can Rejoice in New Life... as part of our Eternal Walk with God the Father and His Holy Risen Son, Jesus Christ, and with ................. decided regard and Respect to God the Father's Spirit, the Holy Spirit,..... and with regarding and respecting Jesus Christ's Spirit, the Spirit of Truth.


Ferdinando Flosky on Jul 13, 2023 7:22 AM
in response to comment_61_1

This is Scythrop. I am on my friend Flosky's computer and using his account presently because I have forgotten my password. Ferdinando tried to write his permission, but he did it with so much circumlocution that I erased it and am therefore writing, at this moment, my own permission - in intelligible English!


Now, I was going to say, that I would like to see all the scriptures you site you site for #9 with the adition of three verses on either side of them for context. I do not like to read scriptures out of context.


Ferdinando Flosky on Jul 13, 2023 7:25 AM

👏 I am most pleased with your somewhat dignified, almost eloquent style in these posts; as well as your attempt at a systematical approach.

- Scythrop


Ferdinando Flosky on Jul 13, 2023 7:33 AM

Your mysterious convolutions and your adumbrating of the contense of the codexical halidom is pleasingly confusing.

- Flosky


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