Location: an underground lair in an undisclosed location
Stephen J. Douglass on Oct 25, 2023 12:05 PM
My take on this is an anti-establishmentarian one. Gaetz may be the loser in the short run, but I think he's made it clear that at least a few (enough to oust a Speaker) are serious about true reform. For the establishment types, there is never a good time for this - always an emvergency of some kind as this is how they operate....intentionally.
All that said, I don't think reform, i.e. drastically reducing the Federal Bureaucratic Powers back to their constitutional size, can ever happen without financial collapse and abandonment of the Reserve Currency. As long as they can inflate the currency to fund the behemoth and its globalist machinations, they will.
Chris Price on Oct 25, 2023 11:16 PM
in response to
#1 Stephen J. Douglass
Agreed. The effect of this SOTH kerfuffle is to reveal how bad things actually are in the GOP. We can't have a new constitutional conservative party and government until this one collapses.
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