Chris Price

Location: an underground lair in an undisclosed location

Facebook refugee, now preparing to leave MeWe.

Current Post

Prevention or Prosecution?

Sep 27 22:04:01

Joe Biden’s Office of Gun Violence Prevention Redundant or ridiculous?


Stephen J. Douglass on Sep 27, 2023 11:51 PM

Hi Chris! Man is it cool to see other people using the site. Have you noticed Carl's aesthetic upgrades from earlier today?

Hey, try this out. I'm going to re-post your post below. Check out how I do the link tag. You can see it if you click on the "View QTML" button above in the purple button. What it will do when you use the tag is launch the link in a separate browser tab. This way the reader doesn't have to cut and paste. I'm working on youtube videos for the rest of the week and over the weekend and this and the .pic tag will be first on my list.

Thanks again!!! ------Steve


Stephen J. Douglass on Sep 27, 2023 11:52 PM

Joe Biden’s Office of Gun Violence Prevention Redundant or ridiculous?

Substack Article


Chris Price on Sep 28, 2023 12:19 AM
in response to #2 Stephen J. Douglass

Thanks, Steve. I'm having trouble with the QTML, I couldn't get Header sized text, or Bold or Italic when I made the post. I'll have to play with it more.


Stephen J. Douglass on Sep 28, 2023 1:15 AM
in response to #3 Chris Price

Chris, I promise you it's really cool once you get used to it. My metaphor is driving a manual transmission instead of an automatic. Let me see what I can do with what you've got on this post here. We REALLY appreciate your efforts. Check the QTML on the following message.


Stephen J. Douglass on Sep 28, 2023 1:19 AM
in response to #4 Stephen J. Douglass

Thanks, Steve.

Thanks, Steve.

Thanks, Steve.

I'm having trouble with the QTML. I couldn't get the header sized text or Bold or Italics when I made the post. I'll have to play with it more.


Stephen J. Douglass on Sep 28, 2023 1:23 AM
in response to #5 Stephen J. Douglass

By the way, every part of your efforts to use this is informative and valuable to us, including (and maybe especially) any struggles and frustrations. Very much appreciated.


Stephen J. Douglass on Sep 28, 2023 1:41 AM
in response to #6 Stephen J. Douglass

Sorry, last thing I just thought of. Learning the QTML usage and tags is a lot like studying vocabulary. You add tags as you need them, and, because you end up using the tool (the tag,) you end up remembering it. After a while the conventions, like the . and .. to open and close, become automatic and the tag words themselves are just vocabulary you're building. After I got used to it, I found myself understanding how to do HTML. The biggest difference is there's less typing. The "dots" take the place of the tag brackets in HTML which require awkward keystrokes. QTML has fewer tags, but if you ever find yourself needing a custom tag, just let Carl know what you're trying to do. He'll code in for you in short order. Hell, he'd love that.

At some point in the future, I will likely have to push Carl into coding a WYSIWYG editor, but that takes a lot of coding time. Carl has coded Conntects from the ground up and, for security and stability reasons, I can't see him ever snagging some open source code and polluting his code stack with that. Early adopters will always have a leg up because they'll know how to drive stick. :-)


Chris Price on Sep 28, 2023 8:52 PM
in response to #6 Stephen J. Douglass

Ok, I was trying to use the formatting tags inline, like the Markdown language used on MeWe.

Thanks for the examples!


Chris Price on Sep 28, 2023 8:55 PM
in response to #7 Stephen J. Douglass

You could hype the appeal of QTML as a retro or even steampunk vibe.


Stephen J. Douglass on Sep 28, 2023 10:25 PM
in response to #8 Chris Price

Very cool!!!


Stephen J. Douglass on Sep 28, 2023 10:45 PM
in response to #8 Chris Price wonder. I'm getting the feeling this will be easier for you than it was for me. Forgive me for treating you as a total novice before.

At the risk of doing it again, if you have a lot of tags that are pushing the page down, don't forget that you can expand the text box with that little corner tab in the bottom right corner. I forget it sometimes because it's not super visible.

On the profile, group, and blog posts, try the "edit in separate window" button. Then you get line numbers, etc. It's a little like Notepad+

Thanks, Chris!


Carl Milsted, Jr on Oct 3, 2023 9:33 PM

For some reason I just got notification of this post.

If you haven't already, take the Interactive QTML Tutorial. It may be a bit long-winded, but I did try to make it fun. (And if it is too long winded, I'd appreciate feedback on what to cut.)

The key to QTML is to appreciate that the return key and the period key are easy to reach -- even on a phone. So return-period is a much superior delimiter than those angle brackets used in HTML. No finger gymnastics.

There are a few quirks to deal with spacing around styled spans, but I cover them in the tutorial, and if you don't master them in the first pass the worst that happens is some spurious whitespace.


Chris Price on Oct 4, 2023 12:54 AM

Will do. I was stumbling with QTML until Stephen helped me out. I was trying to use it as inline formatting tags, like the Markdown language on MeWe.


Stephen J. Douglass on Oct 4, 2023 4:05 PM
in response to #13 Chris Price

Glad to be of service, Chris. Carl just created a cool new one (.video) for youtube and rumble embeds. As with the (.pic) tag, it does not require closing (..) .

Fat Farmer Steve Levelling Out a Greenhouse Post


Chris Price on Oct 4, 2023 9:04 PM
in response to #14 Stephen J. Douglass

That's a good example. Thanks for sharing.


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