Chris Price

Location: an underground lair in an undisclosed location

Facebook refugee, now preparing to leave MeWe.

Current Post

The Communist Economic Trap

Nov 29 17:45:24

This is a strong argument for returning to the limited government envisioned by our founding fathers.

"High taxation is a covert way to gradually phase out the system of private ownership. The end result of high taxation is the same as the state ownership and “egalitarianism” imposed by communist regimes, with the only difference being whether nationalization is effected before or after production.

In the West, production is controlled privately, but the revenue is converted into state assets via taxes and redistribution schemes. This wealth-taking is achieved legally through democracy and legislation rather than through killing and violence.

An important feature of the communist or socialist economics seen in Western countries is robust social welfare, which is used to gradually erode moral wisdom and freedom. While some government aid is reasonable — such as social security for victims of disasters or accidents — it is easy for welfare to become a convenient instrument of deception. Its positive aspects become the excuse for increasing taxes and government control. [Emphasis added] In this regard, generous welfare has already achieved the same destructive consequences for people, society, and moral values as do overtly communist economics, without a need for violent revolution..."

Chapter Nine (Part I): The Communist Economic Trap


Stephen J. Douglass on Dec 7, 2023 12:14 AM

Well put - and a new angle I hadn't thought of. Thanks, Chris.


Chris Price on Dec 8, 2023 6:13 AM
in response to comment_115_1

De nada, Sênor.


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