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Think like a billionaire

Feb 11 07:22:08

I thought about the monetization proposed for this... And it won't work.

When it comes to getting paid for this... You need to think like a billionaire. For example, Elon Musk didn't market Tesla cars to poor people at first. He created luxury cars and sold them at a premium. This strategy reduces the materials and labor force needed to produce the vehicles.

When I think back to the way people used to buy video games, it was extremely different. Rather than get on Steam and buy online, we went to GameStop for CD's and paid for each game one time - not on a monthly sub.

If you want to go old school in this day and age, then you need to change the fee for service model to something similar to what used to be considered normal. Let users buy the product one time and play around on it. And if you tailor it to an exclusive portion of the population who have enough dry powder and intelligence, then you may find the right market for this... Product.

No one buys a sub for an unknown entity because you haven't established any actual value yet. It's priceless, I mean worthless. In order to charge a recurring fee for service you have to have a loyal following. World of Warcraft is a great example of successful subscription based products. It's model worked because of the large following of gamers to previous Blizzard RTS games that were bought the old-fashioned way. The game was popular before it released.


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