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Current Post

Anti social?

Feb 11 05:06:27

I enjoyed the thought of destroying this... Before I joined it.

Nothing prepared me for the labor of love produced by the Creator of this... I was blown away.

As much as I wanted to rip this... a new one prior to becoming a member, I now think 🧐 about how I can try to save it.

Unfortunately, I don't think I can.

But there is a chance that disillusioned people may raw dog it here for a dopamine detox temporarily.

Our polarized nation is melting down in real time at an astonishing pace. Somehow we get up every morning like nothing happened the night before. The renewal of hope that people need on a daily basis is amazing 😍🤩. So rather than be condescending and disrespectful to the father of this... I will only be grateful for the opportunity I have been given to preach from this platform.


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