Developer Notes

Notes on the underlying philosophy of Conntects, and the challenges of making it work.

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Maybe I used the Wrong Language

Carl Milsted, Jr on Nov 23 23:29:50

Conntects is coded in Go on the server side, with MySQL (or MariaDB) for storing data and HTML/CSS/JavaScript on the client side.

Maybe I made the wrong decision:


Chris Price on Nov 25, 2023 12:10 PM

Isn't the proof in the pudding?


Chris Price on Nov 25, 2023 12:14 PM

FYI, the YT video doesn't truly open Fullscreen and doesn't behave properly in my Brave browser on Android. For instance, I can't drag the time slider, can't tap to advance or rewind, can't minimize, etc.


Carl Milsted, Jr on Nov 25, 2023 2:15 PM

in response to comment_89_2

I will investigate. Must be some parameter missing for my iframe, because what's inside the iframe is controlled by YouTube.


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