Our goal is to ameliorate the world through transcendentalism and by meeting at secret tribunals and reading The sorrows of W..
a public group
Is Taco Bell in control of the Defense Department?
a private group
Farmer Steve teaches suburban homeowners to grow fresh food on their lots without compromising proper landscape design.
an open group
Change Later
an open group
This is a discussion of good, bad, and disputable literature promoting the first, denouncing the latter, & discussing the last.
a public group
Here we discuss the use and benefits of the Forager app, give tips and advice, and share wisdom and stories about farm life.
an open group
A Private Group for and about the Woodberry Forest School Class of 1982
a private group
The Conntects Development Plan Group is an invitation-only page for the founders, advisors and potential investors.
a private group
Culinary ratinociations in unwonted vistas - Flosky
Good, healthful food, unless it be from Flosky - Glowery
half open group
A private group, by invitation only.
a private group
We're trying to create something more serious than strident, more civilized, more thoughtful, and considerate.
a public group
This group is for music enthusiasts. We can talk about music, link to favorite pieces, and share our music journey.
a private group